Tri-Clamp Hose

For over 20 years, Ecoplas Industrial Inc. has been a proud distributor of tri-clamp hoses from Saint-Gobain. These tri-clamp hoses can be used for a variety of applications in a wide range of industries.

Versilon™ Sanitary Clamp, Style 10FT

The Versilon™ Sanitary Clamp, Style 10FT, features a Chemfluor® fluoropolymer inner core extending through a 316L stainless steel fitting, ensuring no joints or material entrapment. Its smooth, self-draining interior surface enhances cleanliness. Temperature-rated beyond hose limits, it offers pressure ratings based on clamp style such as Standard: 150 PSIG @ 70°F, 125 PSIG @ 250°F. Heavyweight: 500 PSIG @ 70°F, 125 PSIG @ 250°F. High-Pressure Bolt: 1500 PSIG @ 70°F, 125 PSIG @ 250°F. For temperatures above 250°F, solid PTFE gaskets are required.

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